
Make a better world using Technology

I follow Linux philosophy: Write small functions with clear inputs and outputs that do one and only one thing well.

I Programmed tools that make others be more productive since I was a kid. I maintain most computer infrastructure in my family and at the startup. I've set up most of the servers to share code (gitlab), documentation (markdown, latex), communicate (forum) and be secure (VPN and internal AWS portal).

I am an avid supporter of open source tools. I love being part of the python community, which leverages many active open source libraries to build better tools.

Grow and help others

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. — Buddha

Tell me and I forget, teach me and i may remember, mentor me and i will learn — Benjamin Franklin

Today's connected world allows you to create a network of people with similar mission, cooperate and achieve bigger goals together. Your role models allow you to aim higher in life, mentors inspire you, and coaches guide you to find the right strategies and materials. Once you grow as a person, you can start to help others around you.

I volunteer as a scientist to teach science to lay audiences as a Science outreach ambassador at the California Academy of Sciences. I've prepared an introductory course to lasers, taught to several groups and prepared several experiments for them to understand the basic concepts of laser fundamentals, lenses and fiber optic applications.

At PsiQuantum I started a computer-club where we share productivity tips and review GIT basics, Python packages and other Continuous integration tools (tests, documentation). As a python evangelist / trainer I've prepared numerous training material and delivered courses to colleagues on how to work more efficiently (some of which are available on my github personal or computer-productivity organization account)


No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it — Albert Einstein

To solve any challenge we need to reach a level of understanding beyond the one that created it. Go beyond your boundaries and find the solution beyond your comfort zone.

I have never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others... I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent. Thomas A. Edison.

In this picture we used the instruction sheet as a base for the marshmallow tower. Thinking out of the box at the HP Labs retreat.